
A FREE, 12-step course is full of mindfulness tips and practices on how to deal with unpredictability and stress. Designed by Breathworks Co-founder Vidyamala Burch, it is based on tried and tested mindfulness methods for creatively managing your mind and body.
0161 834 1110

On healthtalk.org you can find out about what it’s like to live with a health condition, by watching other people share their stories.Our health affects every aspect of our lives. This website helps to prepare you for what’s ahead, beyond the symptoms and treatments.Healthtalk.org contains hundreds of real people’s stories. These stories are collected by academic researchers who interview people in their own homes, using their own words.

We are the independent national champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to find out what matters to people, and help make sure their views shape the support they need.
03000 683 000

Humankind create services and support to meet people’s complex health and social needs, helping them to build healthier lives that have meaning and value for themselves and their families. They support local people to create stronger, better-connected communities.
01325 731 160​​​​​​​

Welcome to Easy Health
With over 380 easy read health resources that include pictures and simple text, Easy Health's information is accessible to anyone who finds written information hard to understand, including people with learning disabilities​​​​​​​

Talking Points
Talking Points are a place in your community where you can access the support you need.

Please access the leaflet below.


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